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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />Assessing [b]Wikipedia, Wiki-Style, on Its 10th Anniversary[/b]
This article was produced under a loose interpretation of Wikipedia's collaborative principles. Where indicated, it was rewritten, ...

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This article covered soup to nuts, except it forgot the nuts. The former COO of the Wikimedia Foundation who was a wanted felon in two states. The Deputy Director whose tolerant views on child pornography drew heavy criticism from the press. And, let's not forget the "edits before sex" scandal that Jimmy Wales couldn't keep under wraps with a Canadian political pundit. Is it any wonder the Wikimedia Foundation is awash in wasteful spending (earning only one star out of four in an organizational efficiency rating by Charity Navigator), siphoning 59 cents of every donated dollar toward bank accounts, fundraising slush, and consultants awarded secret contracts?
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