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Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales, a Huntsville native and Auburn grad (blog)
Lane HartwellWikipedia founder Jimmy Wales is a Huntsville native and graduate of Auburn University. …
I think this is pretty "interesting":

A wiki is a website that allows the creation and editing of any number of interlinked web pages via a web browser.

The word has been used famously - or infamously, it all depends on your interpretation - recently through the mass dumping of secret government documents by Wikileaks.

Though their names have a common thread, Wales said he didn't think there has been any confusion between the two.

"I think most people know what the difference is," he said.

And for Wales, Wikipedia will continue to grow as its "library" expands.

"We've got people building the rest of the library," he said. "There will be a 'Lostpedia' for fans of the show and there will be 'pedias' for videogames; recipes are huge, too.

"There's no limit."
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