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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />[b]Wikipedia At 10: Plenty Of Fans, Even Among Critics[/b]
Wikipedia now contains more than 3.5 million entries in its English-language site. Above, a screengrab from Wikipedia's photography ...

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Jon Awbrey


Dear NPR,

Who is “Selena Simmons-Duffin”, and why is s/he spamming every news site on the Web with this WikiMedia Foundation Press Release?

If you want a sample of what I mean, just look at the Newsfeed Forum at The Wikipedia Review:

But more to the point — Why does NPR publish every bit of Viral PR generated by the WikiMedia Foundation as if it were a real news story?

I used to think NPR had higher standards than that.

In 2008, I organized a systematic study of 3 months' worth of edits to the 100 Wikipedia articles about then-current U.S. senators. The results were published, finding that these 100 articles were deliberately vandalized about 6.8% of the time, and that some libelous edits persisted for days and weeks at a time, through thousands of page views without being fixed. Not NPR nor any other news agency has ever sought to interview me or include this study in their reporting about Wikipedia's problematic accuracy, although plenty of pro-Wikipedia zealots have sought to suppress its dissemination.

The results of the study are here:

Wednesday, January 12, 2011 11:35:07 AM
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