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Full Version: Mayor Asks, 'Who Does This?': Some Charlotte Leaders Have Never Heard of Site Where They're Profiled (RedNova)
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Yahoo! News
By David Ingram, The Charlotte Observer, N.C. Aug. 22--The Internet encyclopedia known as Wikipedia offers a short, snappy synopsis of Pat McCrory's life.

Public officials often have to deal with inaccurate information, he said, and there's little they can do short of creating their own "Web site police." ... "You could have an ongoing battle forever, and it could change by the moment"...

Hmm, Website Policeman... Nice work if you can get it, I suppose. But how big a step would it be from what we have now, which is essentially campaign managers and workers checking and editing WP on behalf of their candidates, to some sort of professional organization that works under contract to go in and fight people online, and finally to a taxpayer-funded "anti-libel squad" with full enforcement authority?

And all because a bunch of self-obsessed teenage nerds on sites like Wikipedia couldn't make themselves understand the difference between a reputable, accountable news organization, and a public website that anyone in the world can anonymously edit?
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