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<img src= width=54 height=79 alt="" border=1>African Languages Grow as a Wikipedia Presence
New York Times, United States - 26 minutes ago
... Ndesanjo Macha was simultaneously sitting in the audience using a Wi-Fi connection and laptop to put the finishing touches on his Wikipedia entry, “Martin ...
Yahoo! News
How do you create an online encyclopedia when few native speakers have access to the Internet?

Yahoo! News
At the second annual Wikimania conference, this year at Harvard Law School, there was what might be considered a quintessential Wikipedian moment: As Martin Benjamin, a researcher at Yale University, gave a talk about the Swahili dictionary he is creating online, Ndesanjo Macha was simultaneously sitting in the audience using a Wi-Fi connection and laptop to put the finishing touches on his

Google News

African languages grow as a Wikipedia presence, MI - 43 minutes ago
... Ndesanjo Macha was simultaneously sitting in the audience using a Wi-Fi connection and laptop to put the finishing touches on his Wikipedia entry, "Martin ...
Google News

Building Wikipedia in African languages
International Herald Tribune, France - 26 minutes ago
At the second annual Wikimania conference, held this year at Harvard Law School, there was what might be considered a quintessential Wikipedia moment. ...
Yahoo! News
Smaller Wikipedias face basic questions: How do you create an online encyclopedia in a language in which few native speakers have access to the Internet?

Yahoo! News
A reader writes to mention an International Herald Tribune article discussing the troubles an African-language Wikipedia faces in getting underway. While there is a lot of interest, the primary obstacle is that of exposure: the majority of people on the continent of Africa do not have internet access. From the article: "What use is an encyclopedia when literacy rates among a language's speakers

But while larger Wikipedias, like those written in English (1,377,015 entries and counting) and French (348,243 entries), wrestle with questions of accuracy and vandalism, as well as the imposition of limits on who can create and edit entries, smaller Wikipedias face more basic q &hellip;
Google News

Wikipedia adds Swahili to its list
Legalbrief (subscription), South Africa - 40 minutes ago
... Ndesanjo Macha was simultaneously sitting in the audience using a Wi-Fi connection and laptop to put the finishing touches on his Wikipedia entry, 'Martin ...
But while larger Wikipedias, like those written in English (1,377,015 entries and counting) and French (348,243 entries), wrestle with questions of accuracy and vandalism, as well as the imposition of limits on who can create and edit entries, smaller Wikipedias face more basic q &hellip;
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