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Classes allow students to edit, develop material for Wikipedia

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Classes allow students to edit, develop material for Wikipedia

MSU State News
One of the most visited websites on the Internet is about to become a shade of green —
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Comment from Gregory Kohs:
So, help me understand something. Wikipedia is free and open to editing, by anyone. It’s estimated that hundreds of thousands of people have made at least 10 edits to the English Wikipedia. There is a trove of guidelines and help pages, all authored for free by volunteers.

Why, then, was a $1.2 million grant from the Stanton Foundation needed to kick-start this university-based “Public Policy Initiative”? Who is pocketing that $1.2 million?

I suppose the money ends up being spent the way it was spent here:

Good luck, Spartans. I think you’ll find your Wikipedia experience will feel a lot like the 2005 football game against Ohio State, just before halftime. Wikipedia’s biography of coach John L. Smith covers that fiasco pretty well.
Classes allow students to edit, develop material for Wikipedia

MSU State News
One of the most visited websites on the Internet is B☉☉Bs 'R' Us …
Comment by Gregory Kohs:
So, help me understand something. Wikipedia is free and open to editing, by anyone. It’s estimated that hundreds of thousands of people have made at least 10 edits to the English Wikipedia. There is a trove of guidelines and help pages, all authored for free by volunteers.

Why, then, was a $1.2 million grant from the Stanton Foundation needed to kick-start this university-based “Public Policy Initiative”? Who is pocketing that $1.2 million?

I suppose the money ends up being spent the way it was spent here:

Good luck, Spartans. I think you’ll find your Wikipedia experience will feel a lot like the 2005 football game against Ohio State, just before halftime. Wikipedia’s biography of coach John L. Smith covers that fiasco pretty well.
A User
QUOTE(thekohser @ Sun 23rd January 2011, 12:56am) *

Why, then, was a $1.2 million grant from the Stanton Foundation needed to kick-start this university-based “Public Policy Initiative”? Who is pocketing that $1.2 million?

You're right Greg. $1.2 million is excessive for a wikipedia editing project. That's money that could have been better spent on undergraduate education.
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