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Yahoo! News
Text of report by Hong Kong newspaper Sunday Morning Post on 27 August Jimmy Wales, founder of the open-forum internet encyclopaedia Wikipedia, vowed yesterday he would not go down the same path as search engine Google by bowing to pressure from Beijing to censor sensitive articles.

Google News

CHINA: Wikipedia chief says no to censorship
Asia Pacific Media Network, CA - 25 minutes ago
Jimmy Wales, founder of the open-forum internet encyclopedia Wikipedia, vowed yesterday he would not go down the same path as search engine Google by bowing to ...
Yahoo! News
Jimmy Wales, founder of the open-forum internet encyclopedia Wikipedia, vowed yesterday he would not go down the same path as search engine Google by bowing to pressure from Beijing to censor sensitive articles.

Yahoo! News
Jimmy Wales, founder of the open-forum internet encyclopedia Wikipedia, vowed yesterday he would not go down the same path as search engine Google by bowing to pressure from Beijing to censor sensitive articles.

Jimmy Wales, founder of the open-forum internet encyclopedia Wikipedia, vowed yesterday he would not go down the same path as search engine Google by bowing to pressure from Beijing to censor sensitive articles.
Jimmy Wales, founder of the open-forum internet encyclopedia Wikipedia, vowed yesterday he would not go down the same path as search engine Google by bowing to pressure from Beijing to censor sensitive articles.
Google News

Wikipedia is not Google: no to Chinese censorship, Italy - 57 minutes ago
... forbidden news. Beijing (AsiaNews/SCMP) – Wikipedia will not bow to Beijing censorship, said the site’s founder. Jimmy Wales ...
Jimmy Wales, founder of the open-forum internet encyclopedia Wikipedia, vowed yesterday he would not go down the same path as search engine Google by bowing to pressure from Beijing to censor sensitive articles.
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