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Yahoo! News
Blog: If you've ever wondered what drives the enormous popularity of Wikipedia, you might be interested in this WikiCharts page that...

This is basically just a link to the metrics tool on, but really, why is "List of gay porn stars" the 6th-most viewed page on Wikipedia? Is it really that heavily vandalized by teenagers looking to add their personal enemies (or whatever) to it?

Maybe it's just constantly being checked by actual gay porn stars, looking to see if they've "made the cut."
You can also get the 33 most viewed user pages. Fred Bauder is 17; none of the others ring a bell, not even #1 (Hanby), but the figures are probably rubbish.

Of the 26 most viewed user talk pages, SlimVirgin is 4th. There are anons at 5, 13, 15 and 19!

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