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The Saturday interview : Wikipedia's Jimmy Wales

The Guardian
Jimmy Wales seems distracted. He checks his phone, stares at the ceiling, at the table, and checks his phone again. I assume, initially, that this is how he generally conducts meetings, but it turns out there's a reason: his second child is late …
OK, fuitcakes - try to be adult and try not to swear. Comment is Free often removes comments without giving a reason (or any being particularly apparent).
Milton Roe
Moved to start its own thread in the Lounge
<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />Interview: [b]Wikipedia's Jimmy Wales[/b]
Jimmy Wales seems distracted. He checks his phone, stares at the ceiling, at the table, and checks his phone again. I assume, initially, that this is how he generally conducts meetings, but it turns out there's a reason: his second child is late ...

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