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Jon Awbrey

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Air Force Ordered Software to Manage Army of Fake Virtual People

Tell us something we don't know …

Jon tongue.gif
QUOTE(Jon Awbrey @ Sun 20th February 2011, 7:00pm) *

I actually predicted this back in March 2006, before I'd even heard of The Wikipedia Review. Unfortunately, it turns out that at least one other person predicted it earlier, and didn't do it on a parody site, so once I again I get screwed by the historians.

I wonder how much money there is in this sort of thing, really? Obviously if the US military is looking at it, it should be enough for at least one or two people to live on, right? It seems like it would be more fun than operating a hazmat cleaning service or a website design firm, though perhaps not as much fun as opening a trendy coffee house or being a sex-position consultant.
Jon Awbrey
QUOTE(Somey @ Mon 21st February 2011, 3:15am) *

QUOTE(Jon Awbrey @ Sun 20th February 2011, 7:00pm) *

I actually predicted this back in March 2006, before I'd even heard of The Wikipedia Review. Unfortunately, it turns out that at least one other person predicted it earlier, and didn't do it on a parody site, so once I again I get screwed by the historians.

I wonder how much money there is in this sort of thing, really? Obviously if the US military is looking at it, it should be enough for at least one or two people to live on, right? It seems like it would be more fun than operating a hazmat cleaning service or a website design firm, though perhaps not as much fun as opening a trendy coffee house or being a sex-position consultant.

Facebook 'em, Danno❢

Jon tongue.gif
Eerie as that may be, more perplexing, however, is a federal contract from the 6th Contracting Squadron at MacDill Air Force Base, located south of Tampa, Florida, that solicits providers of "persona management software."

I'm sure it's just a coincidence that MacDill AFB is only a few miles from the former Wikimedia Foundation headquarters, and from Jimbo's second (not "ex") wife.

Jon Awbrey
QUOTE(thekohser @ Mon 21st February 2011, 8:26am) *


Eerie as that may be, more perplexing, however, is a federal contract from the 6th Contracting Squadron at MacDill Air Force Base, located south of Tampa, Florida, that solicits providers of “persona management software”.

I'm sure it's just a coincidence that MacDill AFB is only a few miles from the former Wikimedia Foundation headquarters, and from Jimbo's second (not “ex”) wife.


I personally think that this sort of thing is the whole reason the Internet was invented.

Jon dry.gif
Poetlister works for the Air Force? confused.gif
QUOTE(Zoloft @ Wed 23rd February 2011, 12:34am) *
Poetlister works for the Air Force? confused.gif

I'll have to find out if he's still looking for a new job - this could be the opportunity of a lifetime!
QUOTE(Jon Awbrey @ Thu 17th March 2011, 6:30pm) *

Fascinating! Though I don't see anything official-looking that says the contract is actually worth "millions" - I wouldn't be surprised if it is, but it also looks like the company who won the contract (note: don't bother clicking on that link, it's just a logo and an e-mail address) already has a product they're selling for this sort of thing, and that may be how they were able to outbid various other companies.

The head of Ntrepid, one Mr. Lance Cottrell, has a site called "The Privacy Blog," so I read a few entries (at the risk of compromising my own anonymity, natch). In this one, he writes (boldface mine):
Gmail ties to your gmail and other Google accounts. Outlook ties to some existing email account at some email provider. Facebook is tied to your Facebook account and is explicitly designed for making your information public.

The profound question here is, what do we even mean by being anonymous using these services? I would argue that the best one can manage is to be pseudonymous; that is to maintain a persistent and visible pseudonym / alias which, while discoverable, is not associated with your true identity.

So he's obviously not quite attuned to the Wikipedia way of doing things, or else he's saying that you're going to need his software package to improve on your chances. Or both, I suppose. I guess you can't blame him - business has been tough all over lately... anyway, I suspect that the Air Force was kinda pissed, and maybe a bit surprised, at how much attention this contract got from the tech press. I wouldn't expect the folks at Ntrepid to say Word One about any of this, probably ever.
QUOTE(Jon Awbrey @ Thu 17th March 2011, 11:10pm) *

Funny, when I opened that page, there was an ad for an online Masters degree in Military History.

I have one of those! (Though, it wasn't earned at Norwich University, nor via an online format.)

Norwich University was founded by Alden Partridge, who also set up a brief-lived military school at Brandywine Springs, which has an article in Wikipedia that was created by someone who loves Wikipedia with all his soul and pledged his allegiance to the ArbCom. What a freak!

Anyway, a much better article than Wikipedia's can be found about Brandywine Springs.
U.S. Military Using Fake Online IDs In ‘Sock Puppet’ Operation

Watch it admin, the next sock puppet you go after may have the Pentagon backing him up:

Does this mean sock-hunters are enemies of the state potentially putting US national security at risk? Waiting for Gitmo to open a division for wikiadmins smile.gif
Milton Roe
QUOTE(Heat @ Fri 18th March 2011, 2:57pm) *

U.S. Military Using Fake Online IDs In ‘Sock Puppet’ Operation

Watch it admin, the next sock puppet you go after may have the Pentagon backing him up:

Does this mean sock-hunters are enemies of the state potentially putting US national security at risk? Waiting for Gitmo to open a division for wikiadmins smile.gif


The “sock puppets,” a term for fake online identities, will operate at the MacDill Air Force Base in Florida, where U.S. Central Command operates, and in Kabul, Afghanistan, and Baghdad, Iraq.

The cyber double agents will use social media and other websites, but “not Facebook or Twitter,” said Speaks. “This is not for use on U.S.-based websites. They are American companies.”

Each of the fake personas uses the Ntrepid software to create “cyber presences that are technically, culturally and geographically consistent,” each with their own background, history, supporting details and “real-time local information” to fool their new-found online friends.

One person could be pulling the strings on 10 “sock puppets” at one time “from the same workstation and without fear of being discovered by sophisticated adversaries,” the contract said.

Rotating the IP (Internet Protocol) addresses daily should help shield them from discovery.

“This traffic blending provides excellent cover and powerful deniability,” the contract says.

The software also creates an online history for them so that over time the picture is fleshed out.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. These things won't pass the Turing test for long. I think Somey's right and the US military should just hire Baxter plus some guys who speak Arabic.

My admiration goes out mostly to the Cotrell guy (quoted in another thread) who came from Abraxis and sold this turkey to the Pentagon.

If you want a smile, check out the Ntrepid Corp linked-in webpage

Cotrell has a photo, but his three V.P.'s and the Sr. Systems engineer don't. Whether it's true or not, it's irresistable to wonder of these guys are real, or are merely socks of Cotrell. How would you know? happy.gif

One guesses that their new analyst "Ramsi Asmar" is their token A-rab. "Research Fellow at Matthew B. Ridgway Center for International Security Studies." Might as well say "CIA" right on his linked-in site. ermm.gif On HIM they should have used their software.
QUOTE(Milton Roe @ Fri 18th March 2011, 5:37pm) *
One guesses that their new analyst "Ramsi Asmar" is their token A-rab. "Research Fellow at Matthew B. Ridgway Center for International Security Studies." Might as well say "CIA" right on his linked-in site. ermm.gif On HIM they should have used their software.

I don't see why they didn't call him "Ramsi Ismar" and go for the full palindrome.
Milton Roe
QUOTE(Somey @ Sun 20th March 2011, 1:52am) *

QUOTE(Milton Roe @ Fri 18th March 2011, 5:37pm) *
One guesses that their new analyst "Ramsi Asmar" is their token A-rab. "Research Fellow at Matthew B. Ridgway Center for International Security Studies." Might as well say "CIA" right on his linked-in site. ermm.gif On HIM they should have used their software.

I don't see why they didn't call him "Ramsi Ismar" and go for the full palindrome.

Good one. But Ramsi Asmar sounds slightly more South Parky.

"And now Ms. Choksondik will introduce our new Research Fellow for Arab Backdoor Security Compromise Studies, Mr. Ramsi Asmar. Who will be followed very very closely by Dr. Vassily Leyna, Director of Ben Dover Institute for Study of Improper Russian Initiatives. "


A Toyota: race fast, safe car. A Toyota! fear.gif

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