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“Truth in Numbers” Exclusive Clip : Wikipedia Meets “The Social Network”

Moviefone (blog)
By Monika Bartyzel • The cinematic world is turning its camera on the Internet, and after the rise of “The Social Network”, we've got a film looking at the man behind the wildly popular website Wikipedia. …
TMR Zoo[/url]
<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />DVD Giveaway – Truth in Numbers? Everything, According to [b]Wikipedia[/b]
To celebrate the January 25th DVD release date of Truth in Numbers? Everything, According to Wikipedia, The Zoo is giving away ONE copy of the DVD to ONE lucky winner. After viewing this film, you will never ...

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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />EXCLUSIVE: Scott Glosserman Talks Truth in Numbers? Everything According to [b]...[/b]
Although Wikipedia is the 8th most popular website on the Internet today, and it is already the 3rd most widely read 'publication' in human history, attracting 100 million unique visitors a month, this great social and academic experiment of our age is ...

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QUOTE(Newsfeed @ Sat 5th March 2011, 3:14am) *

<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />EXCLUSIVE: Scott Glosserman Talks Truth in Numbers? Everything According to [b]...[/b]
Although Wikipedia is the 8th most popular website on the Internet today, and it is already the 3rd most widely read 'publication' in human history, attracting 100 million unique visitors a month, this great social and academic experiment of our age is ...

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Wow, this is an annoying comment system. You lose your initial comment if you're not signed in. Here goes again.

It seems that copy editing didn't cross the mind of the interviewer or the subject. Lots of obvious typographic mistakes here. I'll be happy to fix them for you, for $10.

Anyway, I wanted to express my disagreement with the impression that the film presented Jimmy Wales "in nothing but a fair light". Did you watch the entire film? By the end of the story, Wales was whimpering out of the spotlight in a -- rightfully -- sad and pathetic way. He looked lonely, lazy, and out of luck. Meanwhile, Larry Sanger -- the actual founder of Wikipedia, for those who take a minute to actually review its history -- seemed utterly vibrant, playing a happy tune on his fiddle. That's the message I got, anyway.

-- Gregory Kohs
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