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Spring Ubben • Wikipedia Co-Founder and Expert Tech Author to Debate

The DePauw
The Ubben Lecture Series will host Wikipedia co-founder Jimmy Wales and Nicholas Carr, author of The Shallows : What the Internet is Doing to Our Brains on March 30. The two will debate and examine an issue fundamental to college campuses …
In a 2005 blog essay, Carr criticized the quality of Wikipedia, and argued that it has an overall negative effect on society by replacing professionally produced alternatives.

This could be a good one.

<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />DePauw hosts technology debate with [b]Wikipedia founder[/b]
The Banner-Graphic
GREENCASTLE -- Technology is everywhere. Devices have changed the way we communicate, work, find and process information, and entertain ourselves. But at what cost? Does the ubiquity of devices and data make our lives better? Those questions and others ...

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DePauw University[/url]
<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />[b]Wikipedia Founder & Author of <i>The Shallows</i> to Debate What Technology is ...[/b]
DePauw University
February 28, 2011, Greencastle, Ind. — Technology is everywhere. Devices have changed the way we communicate, work, find and process information, and entertain ourselves. But at what cost? Does the ubiquity of devices and data make our lives better? ...

and more »

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Jon Awbrey
QUOTE(thekohser @ Sun 27th February 2011, 10:29pm) *


In a 2005 blog essay, Carr criticized the quality of Wikipedia, and argued that it has an overall negative effect on society by replacing professionally produced alternatives.

This could be a good one.

It could be, but it won't. Carr has picked up the long tail-end of a clue, but hasn't had the nerve to follow it up, and he can't see the Minotaur for the Maze.

I predict the usual namby-pamby ramble of image mechanics.

Jon dry.gif
The namby-pamby debate will be webcast live (Wednesday, March 30, 7:30 PM Eastern) and kept available for two weeks after, and the audio will be available live on DePauw radio.

If there are any DePauw students reading this, contact ResearchBiz at gmail to get your list of provocative questions for the audience participation portion of the debate (assuming there will be one).
The video feed is now open.
DePauw University is still working on the technique of placing a microphone near a speaker's mouth.

But one thing is certain... Wales begins his talk with: "So, uhh..."
Count Nick Carr among the Wiki-toadies now.

At the point where audience participation (Q & A) began, the video went dark, the audio silent.

Milton Roe
QUOTE(thekohser @ Wed 30th March 2011, 5:16pm) *

At the point where audience participation (Q & A) began, the video went dark, the audio silent.


Uh oh. Somebody throwing rotten tomatos again?
About 50% of the seats in the auditorium were empty.
Wikipedia Founder and Technology Critic Engage in Ubben Debate

DePauw University
March 30, 2011, Greencastle, Ind. — Increasingly, wherever people go, they can be reached by phone, get an e-mail or text message, and even search the Internet. The ubiquity of devices and inundation of information in today's world has …
Probably Jimbo's most inane line of the night:

When there's a news story from a faraway place, for example, "Thirty years ago you'd just say, 'Yeah, Armenia, hmm, OK.' Today, you'd go and look that up, you'd find out about Armenia, you'd read what's going on there, you'd get some context of knowledge so you can better understand the world around, the events around you."
Jon Awbrey
QUOTE(thekohser @ Wed 30th March 2011, 8:05pm) *

Count Nick Carr among the Wiki-toadies now.


I hate to say “I Told You So” … but …

I Told You So ❢

Actually, I wub.gif saying “I Told You So” …

Jon tongue.gif
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