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County officials and historians weigh in on Wikipedia's worth

Northwest Herald
It's a place where the city of Woodstock can lay claim to celebrities such as Jessica Biel and Orson Welles. It's a forum where an advocate for the village of Ringwood can insinuate to the world that neighboring …
Insightful take on the "gay agenda" that permeates Wikipedia:

One prominent topic on Crystal Lake’s Wikipedia page recounts the 2006 Gay Games controversy.

“I don’t think that that was a defining moment in the history of Crystal Lake,” Crystal Lake Mayor Aaron Shepley said. “I can assure you it wasn’t a Crystal Lake official that put it in there. That someone has the ability to rewrite history and make it a defining moment should be a prime indicator of how valuable or not valuable that site is.”
Jon Awbrey

Jon Awbrey wrote on March 11, 2011 8:25 a.m.

Readers who desire more current information on Wikipedia's accuracy problems than that severely flawed and widely discredited study from 2005 might well look into the constantly updated pages and discussions of The Wikipedia Review.

On the Nature magazine study, see:

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