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Academics to “embrace Wikipedia”

BBC News
Students and academics at a world-leading London university want to build bridges between the Wikipedia website and formal research. The online encyclopedia is one of the biggest resources for Stewie …
Wow, Imperial College of London. Right up there in the Academic Ranking of World Universities with University of Illinois and University of Minnesota.

But there is a reluctance to admit to this "elephant in the room", says thr group's president, Vinesh Patel.


"But it's a place where you can orientate yourself when you start a topic."

"The quality has improved and the readability is often second to none," he says.


He always want to research how Wikipedia compares in reliability with other reference sources.

Looks like the BBC is gearing up for its Wikipedia-level readership.
Jon Awbrey
Not worth wasting time on a site where they don't allow comments —

Jon hrmph.gif
Now Cory Doctorow is writing about this on Boing Boing.

Here's the interesting thing... when I sign into Boing Boing, I am not permitted to comment where others have commented about Wikipedia.

What is Cory afraid of?
Jon Awbrey
QUOTE(thekohser @ Tue 22nd March 2011, 12:51pm) *

Now Cory Doctorow is writing about this on Boing Boing.

Here's the interesting thing … when I sign into Boing Boing, I am not permitted to comment where others have commented about Wikipedia.

What is Cory afraid of?

The Usual Thing …

But I think it's way past time we all start ignoring the whit and whizdumb of people who write as cowardly socks on some boingy blog. boing.gif

There's some real serious shit going on that needs attending to — post haste.

Jon Awbrey
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