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Classes refine Wikipedia

The Breeze
Two classes at JMU are bringing their academic expertise to Wikipedia by creating and editing articles. The classes, WRTC 240: Technical and Scientific Editing and ISAT 411: Energy Policy, are among 29 other classes across the United States …
Sophomore Lisa Shea expanded the Wikipedia page for "Community Journalism" from approximately 300 words to almost 1,500 words.

From Lisa Shea's work:
Community journalism got its name from a Montana Editor, Ken Byerly, while he was a professor of journalism at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 1957-71.

Oh, really, says 1948 and 1949? Or, heck -- 1926.

So... just another youngster making Wikipedia wrong. That costs $1.2 million to facilitate?
Clearly, these classes aren't really "refining" Wikipedia so much as they're "wasting time that could be more productively spent on improving one's education on" Wikipedia.

Doesn't the fact that this is a fully-sanctioned WMF program tend to intimidate other users? If so, these people could insert just about any sort of promotional or propagandistic folderol they wanted, and get away with it? And could this even be seen as a form of racketeering, with the WMF signing up schools to play by their rules with the implication that if they don't, their articles won't look all nice and happy like those of the obedient little children?
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