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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />Donald Sterling Messing with [b]Wikipedia?[/b]
About - News & Issues
Donald Sterling has been accused of many things over the years. Racism. Age discrimination. Out-and-out incompetence. But the good folks at have a new and highly unflattering charge to add ...

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"Editing one's own page, or that of one's employer, is a Wikipedia etiquette breach of the highest order."


A more factual statement would be:

Editing one's own page, or that of one's employer, is made out to be an etiquette breach of the highest order by mostly pseudonymous Wikipedia administrators who have never done anything in life that would rise to the level of having a Wikipedia article about themselves or their companies.

Look, Jimmy Wales (the "sole founder" of Wikipedia who has never, ever been associated with Internet soft porn) has himself edited his Wikipedia biography, many times, to "sanitize" it beyond recognition of the truth. His business partner Angela Beesley has edited the Wikipedia article about their business, many times.

This here about Mr. Sterling isn't "news" -- it's standard operating procedure on Wikipedia.

-- Gregory Kohs
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