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Fine-tuning Wikipedia

Augusta Free Press
Count James Madison University senior Stephen Jones as one of the Wikipedians at James Madison University who are working hard this semester to improve the content on the popular resource website. In the process, Jones and 80 more JMU students are …
Gregory Kohs
April 5, 2011 at 1:37 pm

Here’s something no Wikipedian has ever been able to explain.

This Wikimedia Foundation Public Policy Initiative is funded by a $1.2 million tax-exempt grant. Why does it cost so much money to teach college students how to do something (edit Wikipedia) that literally hundreds of thousands of people have figured out on their own, for free?

Furthermore, as long as I have the floor, I’d like to know why the Wikimedia Foundation spends only 41 cents of every tax-exempt revenue dollar on the program services its mission purportedly upholds? This sounds like a waste of tax-exempt “charity” status, if not downright fraudulent re-direction of money.
Jon Awbrey
Awaiting murderation …


Now, Mr. Kohs, do you even know the price of Kool-Aid (or Wyler's) these days?

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