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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />Students help increase [b]Wikipedia credibility[/b]
MSU State News
Many professors prohibit students from using Wikipedia for class assignments, considering it to be an unreliable source, but a nationwide initiative is working toward increasing the site's credibility through student involvement. ...

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Comment from Gregory Kohs:
Go Green, Go White. But, that being said, let me ask a question that nobody has been able to answer. This Wikimedia “campus ambassador” program was funded by (I believe) a $900,000 grant from the Stanton Foundation. Could someone explain to me why it takes $900,000 to teach college students to edit Wikipedia the same way thousands of 12-year-olds have been doing for the past five or six years, for free?

Another financial boondoggle from the Wikimedia Foundation… where any solution can go searching for a problem, for the right price.
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