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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />Now, you can also become [b]Wikipedia's campus ambassador[/b]
Daily Bhaskar
Pune: Pune will soon become the first city outside the United States to host the 'Wikipedia campus ambassador programme'. The initiative is part of the larger 'India education programme' to augment interest and support the Wikipedia community in the ...

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This is where the campus ambassadors come in. They will help in updating content, adding references, training student editors, organising workshops and presentations to promote educational activities using the world's largest encyclopedia.

The volunteers will work for three to four hours a week, initially trained by the Wikimedia Foundation. Though the position is unpaid, the benefits include interacting with educators on a global level.

And to think, none of this would have been possible without Sue Gardner pocketing a portion of the $900,000+ grant from the Stanton Foundation, and giving none of it to the poor Indians.
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