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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />Jimmy Wales's [b]Wikipedia Balancing Act[/b]
Everyone assumes it's hard for us to take no advertising on Wikipedia, but that decision was actually easy. It's just not the right place. The more difficult question for us was how we could organize and empower volunteers while still maintaining ...

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QUOTE(Newsfeed @ Thu 2nd June 2011, 3:59pm) *

People ask why I didn't try to get rich off Wikipedia. I'm not a raging communist or anti-business—I'm just fixated with having a free encyclopedia for everyone on the planet, in their own language. Five hundred years from now, nobody will remember much that's on the Internet now. But I think they'll still point to Wikipedia.

Don't forget to bring your crucifix and nails, Saint Jimbo....... dry.gif
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I wonder when a journalist will try something new, and not swallow hook, line, and sinker everything Jimmy Wales runs his mouth about. He "got rich" off of Wikipedia by denying that Dr. Larry Sanger had the principal role in founding Wikipedia, then using that false credential to land speaking engagements of $75,000 or more a pop. That's "getting rich", by most people's standards. I'm tired of the lying and the spin. I wish BusinessWeek could see through it, but I guess it's just too shallow a news organization.
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