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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />Judge Orders Unmasking Of [b]Wikipedia Users; Fails To Follow Standard Anonymity ...[/b]
Over the years, we've covered tons of lawsuits about attempts by people to uncover the identity of anonymous critics. Frequently, the aggrieved parties figure out some way to file a defamation lawsuit and use that to uncover the name of the person in ...

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Lots of cry-babies over there at TechDirt.

Whaaa-waaaahhhh... I want the right to libel people and companies on Wikipedia, without personally standing behind my statements... bwahhh-waaa-waaaahhhh!

Gregory Kohs, Jun 6th, 2011 @ 7:54pm

Mike [Masnick], because you say "there is a good process for identifying anonymous posters" does not mean that there is a good process for identifying anonymous posters. In fact, for those who have been libeled -- and I've seen cases much more savage and personal than what Faconnable has experienced, by far -- the current process of trying to find out who is wrongfully fucking with one's reputation is clumsy, overly protective of the masked aggressor, and (frankly) sickening. The pendulum is finally swinging back to at least a mote of accountability for one's outlandish claims in speech, and all I hear is "free culture" whiners, most of whom are too ashamed of their own outlandish views to stand behind them with a real name. I give you credit, at least, for putting your signature to your disagreeable views.
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