I wonder if organist UninvitedCompany (founder and destroyer of Wikback.com) ever chats with Philippe Beaudette about their organs:

Tulsa World (Tulsa, OK)
Publish date:
September 8, 2007

Sep. 8--The Reuter pipe organ at College Hill Presbyterian Church needs a major overhaul, so the church has started a drive to raise $21,000.

Philippe Beaudette became the organist at College Hill, 712 S. Columbia Ave., about five months ago. It did not take long to realize there was something wrong.

"I walked in, and one of the first things I realized is there were some critical issues with the organ," which was installed in 1976, he said.

The major problem is that the zinc in the pipes is beginning to deteriorate.

"The pipes are beginning to sag under their own weight," Beaudette said. "Unfortunately, there are many organs around the country where this is happening. It is a result of the quality of zinc that was used at that time."

The problem is affecting two ranks -- or families -- of pipes, each including about 70 pipes.

In the fundraiser, people can adopt one of the organ's 590 pipes for $40, or a family or rank of pipes for $2,500. For their donation, participants will receive a description of the pipe they have adopted.

For information, call 592-5800.

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