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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />WRS talks to [b]Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales about bribes and other issues[/b]
World Radio Switzerland
Wikipedia is one of the world's five most popular websites with 400 million visitors a month in over 200 languages. But the site is run on a budget of just 20 million dollars a year, mostly from small donations. Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales was ...

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Why does the image caption correctly label Wales a "co-founder" of Wikipedia, but the body of the story falsely calls Wales "founder"?

Also, the Wikipedia site is decidedly not run on a budget of $20 million per year. The site is run on a budget of about $3 million per year. The rest of the money is going to support an over-staffed organization of PR and other communications staff who excel in regurgitating spin. It may sound like I have an axe to grind, but my concern is reiterated by the independent Charity Navigator, which gives the Wikimedia Foundation only one star (out of four) in the important measure of organizational efficiency, because WMF spends on program services only 43 cents of every donated dollar. This is one of the worst tax-exempt scams in America today, but the media just casually looks past it.

"Everything you see on the website... all comes from... volunteers." That is decidedly not true -- I know, because I've been paid by a couple of dozen clients to create and alter content on Wikipedia. Wales just wants you to think that everything is volunteer-driven.

-- Gregory Kohs (awaiting moderation)
No comments visible, still. It appears that World Radio Switzerland doesn't want criticism. angry.gif
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