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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />The [b]Wikipedia Model[/b]
SEOmoz (blog)
This post was originally in YOUmoz, and was promoted to the main blog because it provides great value and interest to our community. The author's views are entirely his or her own and may not reflect the views of SEOmoz, Inc. As an SEO agency, ...

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Although this isn't actually very WP-related in the WR sense, it is interesting that the author of this piece has decided that WP represents an ideal "natural link profile" (i.e., they assume that links to WP articles are not attempts to draw people to WP for search engine ranking purposes). This is a terribly flawed assumption for a couple of reasons.

Creating a promotional WP article is just one part of the SEO game. Getting external links to that article gives it more Google-juice, so expect that in some cases there will be bogus links aplenty. A recent and egregious example of this that I noticed was for "Future Steel Buildings", which was recently deleted on WP (but probably not before the cheque was cashed).

Another problem with assuming that links to WP are legit is that WP articles are frequently scraped to provide real-looking content for fake blogs and linkfarms. Many of them will link back to WP to abide by the terms of the license. And, since WP is almost always among the top search results, people will often link to it rather than a more comprehensive source.
About russvirante — I am the CTO of Virante, Inc. I am married to Morgan, who is frickin awesome, and I have a new daughter, Claren, who is also frickin awesome. We live happily in Durham, NC.

Russ included three handy links to the analysis tools on his business site, but I found that you can run these tools multiple times and get either different or broken results. Sounds like he released the tools before they were frickin awesome.
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