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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />[b]Wikipedia DOWN: Users React on Twitter[/b]
Huffington Post
On Thursday at around noon EST, Wikipedia began greeting users with an error page stating "Our servers are currently experiencing a technical problem. This is probably temporary and should be fixed soon." Wikipedia reported on their main Twitter ...

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The Joy

Wikipedia's been down before. Why do people panic when it's down for an hour? For a site that large using so many servers, I'm surprised it isn't down more often.

You know, I go to other websites or go outside or do something else if my favorite websites are busy. In fact, I went about 20 years of my life (the majority of my life, actually) without Wikipedia. Up until I went to college in the early 2000s, all I had was dial-up and getting online meant giving thanks and sacrifice to the computer gods if I could ever get through. Truly the Internet was a wonderful place with badly designed static websites and very simple games. 9 times out of 10, anything you downloaded was a virus and few had anti-virus programs (you could download them, but they were viruses too). Windows 95 and 98 caused many to drop their jaws in disbelief and awe! I remember when my high school got computers so advanced that the screen savers had small videos. Videos! On the computer! We were rocking on, man! We were going to take over the world with that, dawg! I was truly amazed when I actually could download videos from the Internet (and they were not viruses!) and even more amazed when I could watch videos in real time from the Internet without downloading them to my hard drive. Truly, it was a paradise.

Oh, but for the younger millennials of today, those days of my youth were the equivalent of the dark ages, I guess. I know compared to my baby boomer parents that I am "hooked" on technology as other millennials, but the younger millennials and Generation Z are practically Borg. I can actually live without Internet and computers and find happy things to do, but the younger ones can't! "Wikipedia is down for an hour! Truly, the Mayans' 2012 predication of the Apocalypse is becoming fulfilled!"

I feel old and I'm not even 30! Stupid Wikipedia... mad.gif hrmph.gif
Kelly Martin
Wikipedia addiction is a terrible thing.

My power has been out since Tuesday evening, and for a while there I had no Internet access at all as both Comcast and Verizon experienced failures after the storms went through. Amazingly, I did not dissolve into a ball of inchoate impulses. I'm not sure that the same wouldn't happen to these people.
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