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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />Shamed Birmingham medic copied material from [b]Wikipedia to gain qualification[/b]
Sunday Mercury
A PSYCHIATRIST copied material from Wikipedia and stole ideas from a student's academic paper to gain the professional qualification she so badly wanted. Shamed medic Aliveni Ramanujam was suspended after being caught out TWICE while doing a distance ...

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Surely the new Wikimedia Foundation office in Pune, India will provide some sort of welfare support to this poor, poor lady?

“I come a different academic background because I am from India,” she explained. “There, we are very exam-focussed and so I was not familiar with the procedure in the UK for doing this kind of work.

“I admitted I made a mistake but I didn’t realise the magnitude of what I had done. I am devastated, it has been so stressful and I had to resign my job.

“We’ve spent £10,000 on legal fees, I simply cannot afford to appeal the decision.”

Apparently India has an academic tradition of cribbing research from other writers in an unattributed fashion. Wikipedia has the same tradition, I believe. It's a perfect match.
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