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Nieman Journalism Lab at Harvard[/url]
<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />Think [b]Wikipedia + Klout for government: Poderopedia is an index of Chile's ...[/b]
Nieman Journalism Lab at Harvard
Miguel Paz, an investigative journalist in Santiago, has spent the past 12 years untangling the web of power and money in Chile. He is deputy director of El Mostrador, which is like Chile's Politico. (“You could say we get ministers ...

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Now, if we only knew what Klout was.
Kelly Martin
Presumably A site which I have personally never heard about, but I suppose that's just because I'm not one of the digerati, unlike the fine folks at Harvard, for whom Klout is apparently such a big deal that it's just unthinkable that someone would never have heard of it.

According to crunchbase they've been around since 2008 and have managed to score about $10MM in two rounds of funding so far. They're supposed to have something to do with measuring "social media influence". Whatever.
Kelly Martin
Apparently Klout is important enough that some publishers want to know what your Klout Score is before they'll deal with you. Aint the Internet grand?
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