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Yahoo! News
Aaron Swartz, who is running for the WIkipedia executive, has done some data-crunching using a rented supercomputing cluster, against many Wikipedia entries to determine how Wikipedia entries get written.

Google News

Who (Really) Writes Wikipedia
Slashdot - 33 minutes ago
... Swartz questions Jimbo Wales' (wikimedia's founder) belief and evangelized truth that only around 500 people are the most important contributors to wikipedia. ...
Yahoo! News
Nico ? La ! writes "Aaron Swartz questions Jimbo Wales' (wikimedia's founder) belief and evangelized truth that only around 500 people are the most important contributors to wikipedia. Whereas the truth is that they probably are the people who do the most editing. From the post 'For example, the largest portion of the Anaconda article was written by a user who only made 2 edits to it (and only

Yahoo! News
Aaron Swartz did some initial research comparing Wikipedia contributors by number of edits and characters, arguing that the core community (who make most of the edits) should matter less than peripheral domain experts (who write more). He is running for the Wikimedia Foundation's board as a proverbial outside the beltway candidate with a populist platform. In his previous essay he noted that the

Google News

Who Makes Wikipedia Work?
WebProNews, KY - 42 minutes ago
Aaron Swartz did some initial research comparing Wikipedia contributors by number of edits and characters, arguing that the core community (who make most of ...
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