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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />Protocol relative URLs enabled on test.[b][/b]
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In preparation for enabling HTTPS on Wikimedia Foundation sites, we've recently enabled protocol relative URLs on Protocol relative URLs are needed to make the site work properly in both HTTP and HTTPS modes. ...

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QUOTE(Newsfeed @ Wed 20th July 2011, 7:20am) *

In preparation for enabling HTTPS on Wikimedia Foundation sites, we've recently enabled protocol relative URLs on Protocol relative URLs are needed to make the site work properly in both HTTP and HTTPS modes. ...

This is a techie geekism referring to URLs starting with the double slash, like "//", a rarely-encountered form that's perfectly valid by the standards. I actually used that format myself way back in the 1990s on pages designed to link across multiple domains where both secure and nonsecure versions existed at each of the domains and I only wanted to have to maintain one version of the HTML file.
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