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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />[b]Wikipedia founder: Israel-Palestine is heavily debated, but we're vigilant on ...[/b]
A world of information, accessible at the click of a button, open for general contribution and yet neutral and objective in essence: Is such an entity possible, even when it comes to the Israelis and the ...

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Well, Haaretz conducted their interview of Jimmy Wales...

...and true to form, on their Facebook page where they asked people to submit questions, all but the most facile questions were censored from the comment stream.

One guy even noticed it:

Charles Sleep

Seems like a few comments have been edited out of this thread, they only want comments and questions that drip with worshipful reverence for Wales and Wiki. Nothing that illuminates the farcical nature of many of the articles.

QUOTE(thekohser @ Fri 5th August 2011, 7:55pm) *

Well, Haaretz conducted their interview of Jimmy Wales...

...and true to form, on their Facebook page where they asked people to submit questions, all but the most facile questions were censored from the comment stream.

One guy even noticed it:

Charles Sleep

Seems like a few comments have been edited out of this thread, they only want comments and questions that drip with worshipful reverence for Wales and Wiki. Nothing that illuminates the farcical nature of many of the articles.


Dude's just not very bright. I have a hard time watching him speak. It's like watching a "special needs
kid struggle through a speech written for him by someone who doesn't really like him that much.
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