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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />Introducing [b]Wikipedia Editor Satisfaction Index[/b]
Watching the
by Mani The Wikimedia Foundation is working on new products and global initiatives to increase participation in our projects, specifically Wikipedia. To help inform the development of this work we've been researching the trends and patterns of ...

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While studying editor participation trends, we have hypothesized that acrimony and disagreement in the editing community could be a leading cause of a decrease in project participation. To test this hypothesis as a segment of our analysis of responses to the Editor Survey (report here), we defined the Wikipedia Editor Satisfaction Index (WESI). The WESI is a metric gauging the overall satisfaction of the editing community and interactions/assessments of fellow editors. We used responses to two questions on the survey: how they described their fellow editors (picking from a set of adjectives), and whether they believed community feedback had helped them personally.

So, we took an open survey that we did for other purposes, picked a couple of questions that kinda sorta addressed our hypothesis of what makes editors unhappy and made an index. Since one of the questions involved picking adjectives, we had to make some guesses, but we're pretty confident that this proves that editors are happy. No one knows why we're losing editors. Also, transgendered persons are less happy.
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