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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />It's [b]Wikipedia Season in India[/b]
Penn Olson
Wikipedia is now all set for it's first WikiConference in India which is scheduled to be held in Mumbai on November 18th, 2011. Delegates from any country can participate, but the conference ...

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Gregory Kohs

You spelled "its" wrong in the first sentence, Sana. Other than that, though, you did a nice job regurgitating the Wikimedia Foundation's public relations pablum, without tarnishing it with one bit of critical investigation.

Gregory Kohs
You spelled "its" wrong in the first sentence, Sana. Other than that, though, you did a nice job regurgitating the Wikimedia Foundation's public relations pablum, without tarnishing it with one bit of critical investigation.

Sana Khan
Thanks a lot. Have done the needful. Glad that you didn't find it critical smile.gif

I'm not sure she gets the point you're trying to make. Or possibly she's got a rather sharp wit.
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