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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />UK Tech Startups Pitch To [b]Wikipedia Founder Jimmy Wales[/b]
eWEEK Europe UK
Tech startups will have the opportunity to pitch their ideas to Wikipedia co-founder Jimmy Wales in London later this year. During December's Tech Entrepreneurs Week hundreds of tech entrepreneurs will get the chance to present ideas to Wales and his ...

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Milton Roe
QUOTE(Newsfeed @ Tue 13th September 2011, 8:05am) *

UK Tech Startups Pitch To Wikipedia Founder Jimmy Wales
eWEEK Europe UK
Tech startups will have the opportunity to pitch their ideas to Wikipedia co-founder Jimmy Wales in London later this year. During December's Tech Entrepreneurs Week hundreds of tech entrepreneurs will get the chance to present ideas to Wales and his ...

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This is very funny. No wonder London is having trouble with tech startups: they're too dumb even to know what they don't know.

Tech Entrepreneur's Week has chosen Jimmy Wales to be the head of its panel of judges for tech startups. What the hell do they think Wales knows about tech companies, or tech startups? Wales has started exactly one web-hosting company which has managed to make a small profit after half a dozen years, yipee. He is best known for a non-profit which runs on yearly donations, started as somebody else's idea, and which is now run by other people as a charity-- not exactly the greatest business model (and if THIS didn't exist, the profitiblity of Wales' for-profit would be heavily in doubt, since it benefits heavily from the non-profit WMF that hosts Wikipedia).

Perhaps London hopes Wales will give them tips on how to how to tap into, and screw, the large group of untapped neck-bearded basement-gamers in the UK? Good luck with that. Wales can probably give advice on screwing Londoners, but not the ones with neck beards. dry.gif
Given that Jimmy Wales took the idea, name, and initial policies of Wikipedia from Dr. Larry Sanger, then ran him off the project, I am absolutely certain that Wales is "looking forward to participating in the discovery of the next great technology companies". I'm sure there will be a few ideas that might be worth stealing.

We'll see if that gets published or not.
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