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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />Johann Hari admits he was behind [b]Wikipedia antisemitism slur[/b]
Jewish Chronicle
The journalist Johann Hari has admitted being behind a string of fake Wikipedia entries, including one where another commentator was described as "antisemitic". Mr Hari became the subject of a media storm in June ...

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Milton Roe
QUOTE(Newsfeed @ Wed 14th September 2011, 11:45am) *

Johann Hari admits he was behind Wikipedia antisemitism slur
Jewish Chronicle
The journalist Johann Hari has admitted being behind a string of fake Wikipedia entries, including one where another commentator was described as "antisemitic". Mr Hari became the subject of a media storm in June ...

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Well, it appears that user"David r. from Meth Productions" was a simple Hari sock after all. A kudos to all of you who put their money on the simplest hypothesis. Kato 1, Milton 0.
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