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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />[b]Wikipedia Co-Founder Jimmy Wales Describes The Site's Hold-Out On Social Media[/b]
Huffington Post
In an age when airport terminals tweet and even dry cleaners ask to be “liked” on Facebook, social media has a surprise holdout: Wikipedia. But Wikipedia is keeping mainstream social networking sites at arm's reach, eschewing features such as ...

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I can understand why Bianca had to print a correction -- Jimbo Wales does so much co-minglin­g of Wikipedia and Wikia, it becomes difficult to differenti­ate the two. Did you know that in the early days of the Wikimedia Foundation (Wikipedia­'s "non-profi­t" gravy boat), fully 60% of the board of trustees also happened to be key employees of Wikia, Inc.? Now, consider that fact and couple it with the fact that people who complained about the close ties between Wikia and Wikipedia were frequently banned from Wikipedia by Jimmy's henchmen. Starting to get the bigger picture, HuffPo?
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