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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />Fact-Checking [b]Wikipedia on Common Descent: The Evidence from Comparative ...[/b]
Discovery Institute
I recently read the Wikipedia web-page on the "Evidence of Common Descent." The page comprises a succinct, yet comprehensive, description of the most frequently cited arguments for the proposition of universal descent with modification. ...

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Oh, this is priceless humor! biggrin.gif biggrin.gif

One of the Discovery Institute's trolls-for-Christ is trying to find "flaws" in the Evidence of common descent (T-H-L-K-D) article.

Evidently he doesn't realize that said article has been pwned and massively rewritten in the past 2 years by one of Wikipedia's snottiest young men, Andrew Colvin.....a perfect example of a Wikipedia powermonger. Young, male, white, still in school, liberal gay atheist, blah blah blah.

(The article itself isn't a bad one, but it does look remarkably like one of those evil, evil personal essays.
Remarkable lack of inline references despite its great length.)
QUOTE(EricBarbour @ Sat 8th October 2011, 9:46pm) *

Evidently he doesn't realize that said article has been pwned and massively rewritten in the past 2 years by one of Wikipedia's snottiest young men, Andrew Colvin.....a perfect example of a Wikipedia powermonger. Young, male, white, still in school, liberal gay atheist, blah blah blah.

He seems a bit pretentious, and why would someone want to give away their signature?

QUOTE(tarantino @ Sun 9th October 2011, 12:46am) *

...why would someone want to give away their signature?

Careful where ye tread, Tarantino!


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