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Yahoo! News
Websites relying on user-generated content have increased dramatically in the UK, new statistics reveal. Figures released by web monitoring company ComScore show Wikipedia as the 16th most visited online property in July 2006 with 6.5 million visitors (up 253 per cent compared to a year ago).

Yahoo! News
comScore World Metrix, the leader in global digital media measurement, today released an analysis of UK Internet users' activity at the leading sites that feature mainly free, user-generated content (UGC). Significant traffic growth versus year ago propelled several of these sites into the Top 50 U.K. Web property rankings in July 2006. The top UGC property, Wikipedia Sites, ranked as the

Yahoo! News
comScore World Metrix, the leader in global digital media measurement, today released an analysis of UK Internet users' activity at the leading sites that feature mainly free, user-generated content (UGC). Significant traffic growth versus year ago propelled several of these sites into the Top 50 U.K. Web property rankings in July 2006. The top UGC property, Wikipedia Sites, ranked as the

Yahoo! News
Participation at user-generated content sites in the United Kingdom has soared hundreds of percentage points over the past year, indicating the pervasive reach Web 2.0 has and may continue to have in the future. In the UK, it's Wikipedia sites that dominate the UGC world, according to comScore. Wikipedia was ranked as the sixteenth most visited web-property in July, with 6.5 million UK

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