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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />[b]Wikipedia founder to visit Trinity College[/b]
The University Times
Jimmy Wales, founder of Wikipedia, is to become an honourary member of the University Philosophical Society here in Trinity. Wales will deliver a special public lecture on Friday November 27th in association with Silicon Republic, Delta Partners, ...

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I have to laugh at the “founder of Wikipedia” title. I guess you Irish have never heard of Dr. Larry Sanger — he’s the one who championed the idea of a wiki to Jimmy Wales. Sanger named it “Wikipedia”. Sanger issued the first public call for participation in the project. And while Wales barely got involved in the first year, Sanger was ironing out most of the guidelines and policies that govern Wikipedia to this day. But, you go ahead and issue your awards and honoraries on the guy who duped you into thinking he actually did something special.
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