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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />Average [b]Wikipedia reader is 36 years old[/b]
Watching the
by Mani Every month approximately 400 million unique visitors across the globe read Wikipedia and its sister sites. But very little is known about them. In order to understand our readers and their relationship with Wikipedia, to bring their voice into ...

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It seems that no consideration was made for the possibility that "avid" readers of Wikipedia are more likely to take a survey about Wikipedia than "casual" readers.

Another brilliant job in research, Wikimedia Foundation.
QUOTE(thekohser @ Sat 22nd October 2011, 2:50pm) *

It seems that no consideration was made for the possibility that "avid" readers of Wikipedia are more likely to take a survey about Wikipedia than "casual" readers.

Another brilliant job in research, Wikimedia Foundation.

I found the segmentation of readers into individual groups for anything less than 5 visits per month and one lump "Avid" group for 5 or more visits to be ridiculous. I didn't see the original survey, but if those are the choices of boxes to tick, I think they wasted everyone's time.
QUOTE(carbuncle @ Sat 22nd October 2011, 11:13am) *

I found the segmentation of readers into individual groups for anything less than 5 visits per month and one lump "Avid" group for 5 or more visits to be ridiculous. I didn't see the original survey, but if those are the choices of boxes to tick, I think they wasted everyone's time.

I don't know if the chart exactly matches the questionnaire, but I'll bet it does.
Just another WMF puff-piece, presenting useless figures as if they were important.

Every month approximately 400 million unique visitors across the globe read Wikipedia and its sister sites.

And dropping......
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