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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />[b]Wikipedia India Office Will Help Boost Fundraising, Founder Says[/b]
Wikipedia opened an office in India, its first outside the US, to better reach the country's 1.2 billion people after the online encyclopedia where users contribute and edit entries added readers and had ...

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E-mail sent to the author and the editor of this PR exercise:

I know you're busy journalists at Bloomberg, but readers would appreciate something more -- when you publish a story, don't just regurgitate the PR pablum that your subjects with a personal stake in the subject have fed to you.

For example:

While your article says, "The foundation’s budget pays for the technology to run the site and for programs to make it easier to use and encourage more participation," it may have been more honest and informative to say something like: "While some of the foundation’s budget pays for the technology to run the site and for programs to make it easier to use and encourage more participation, federal Form 990s filed by the foundation show that only 46% of its received funds are actually spent on the program services that serve the mission of the non-profit."
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