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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />[b]Wikipedia opens India office[/b]
Times of India
LONDON: Wikipedia opened an office in India, its first outside the US, to better reach the country's 1.2 billion people after the online encyclopedia where users contribute and edit entries added readers and had its most successful fundraiser yet. ...

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Wikipedia is to knowledge what Wal-Mart is to quality merchandise and what McDonald's is to fine dining. Very popular, not so good for humanity. Congratulations, India. You can be duped just as well as the Western world! Oh, and the article here would be more accurate if it read: "Only 46% of the foundation's budget pays for the technology to run the site and for programs to make it easier to use and encourage more participation." That's according to the federal Form 990 that the Foundation must file, but no journalists ever bother to scrutinize. They just regurgitate the public relations pablum that the fat cats at the Foundation feed them.
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