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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />[b]Wikipedia not all bad, even 'sexy'?[/b]
The Reflector online
On Oct. 26, Sir Harold Kroto, 1996 Nobel Laureate in chemistry and professor of chemistry at Florida State University, gave a lecture on the topic "Carbon in Nano and Outer Space," at Bettersworth Auditorium in Lee Hall at Mississippi State University. ...

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There's a good bit of crazy-talk in this Reflector article.
It's a student newspaper, so the lack of reporting quality is not surprising.
I would also not be surprised if the author turned to a dorm roommate (Ms. Miller, the history major)
and asked her about Wikipedia, and found that she was a WP cribber on a massive scale.
Which makes her a "fan", I suppose.

Again, Greg, write it all up and use it. Commenting under these half-baked "news stories" is fine, but
it will have more impact on dead trees.
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