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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />Wales: 'Journalists all use [b]Wikipedia'[/b]
During a visit to Qatar for an education summit, Wikipedia co-founder Jimmy Wales told Foreign Policy that he considers the collaborative encyclopedia to be social media, but not a social network. ...

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QUOTE(Newsfeed @ Fri 4th November 2011, 2:25pm) *

<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />Wales: 'Journalists all use [b]Wikipedia'[/b]
During a visit to Qatar for an education summit, Wikipedia co-founder Jimmy Wales told Foreign Policy that he considers the collaborative encyclopedia to be social media, but not a social network. ...

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Wales is a liar. Wikipedia is banned in all South African newsrooms, and the same applies in Canada.

As regards WP sourcing from "good-quality academic journals", that's a joke, considering his comments are quoted from a journal -- Foreign Policy -- that is unashamedly devoted to "promoting American interests in the Middle East." Nothing impartial about that.
QUOTE(communicat @ Fri 4th November 2011, 10:22am) *

Wikipedia is banned in all South African newsrooms, and the same applies in Canada.

I know I'll regret this, but can you provide a reliable source (or even an unreliable one) that attests to either of your "facts" above?
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