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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />Public education award for [b]Wikipedia in Norway[/b]
Watching the
by Tilman Wikipedia in Norway, through the Norwegian Wikimedia chapter, has received the prestigious Folkeopplysningsprisen (prize for public education/information) for the work it has carried out during the last ten years in producing encyclopedic ...

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I thought this was just another bullshit prize, but then I realized it is the internationally-coveted Folkeopplysningsprisen! I think that prize is second only to the Floppymoppsieschloppidingendongenprisen, in terms of prestige.
October 12 -- What could easily be called a single-purpose sleeper account creates a page in the Norwegian Wikipedia about a bullshit prize.

October 27 -- Bullshit prize awarded to Wikimedia Norway.

October 29 -- Rushing to confer some sort of notability to the bullshit prize, the English Wikipedia cobbles together an article about the bullshit prize.

No article about Carolyn Doran in any language Wikipedia, though.

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