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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />[b]Wikipedia needs to stop begging for donations and start implementing ads[/b]
ZDNet (blog)
Summary: I think it's time for Wikipedia to stop existing solely on donations and embrace an ad-based model of monetization for sustainability. Here's why. I don't know about you, but I love Wikipedia. ...

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It's odd that you wouldn't point out the fact that the Wikimedia Foundation currently spends on the mission-fulfilling program services only 46 cents of every donated dollar (according to the most recent Form 990 filed with the IRS). It's also a blunder to say that Wikipedia's accuracy keeps getting better when a careful study made by the University of Minnesota found that the chance of a given Wikipedia page having a mistake has been rising on almost a power-curve line since 2003.

I agree that Wikipedia should have moved to an ad-based model several years ago, but now that Jimmy Wales has discovered his five-digit speaking fees can be maintained with an aura that he's some sort of "Internet do-gooder" (which he's decidedly not), there's not a chance in hell that the Wikimedia Foundation will be moved to do the intelligent thing. (Never mind the "good" that could be done with the excess millions of dollars that ad revenue would bring in.) Wales and his Foundation would rather do the thing that "looks altruistic" rather than actually "is altruistic".
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