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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />Should My Company Have a [b]Wikipedia Page?[/b]
Business 2 Community
If you've ever searched for something online, and since you're online right now I'm guessing you have, then you've probably come across a Wikipedia listing. But what is Wikipedia? According to its website, ...

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Silver seren
*gasps* Kohser hasn't made a comment on the article insulting Wikipedia yet. You're slacking, man.
QUOTE(Silver seren @ Wed 16th November 2011, 10:05am) *

*gasps* Kohser hasn't made a comment on the article insulting Wikipedia yet. You're slacking, man.

Thanks, fuzz ball. I hadn't noticed this one yet. (And it looks like nobody else has found it worth commenting on, either.)
Silver seren
Well, it is on a site no one cares about.
QUOTE(Silver seren @ Wed 16th November 2011, 9:05pm) *

Well, it is on a site no one cares about.

Umm, I happened to work very closely for a couple of years with the president and co-founder of that site. The site apparently has about 2 or 3 times the reach of, and about 10 times the reach of Wikipedia, so I wouldn't say "no one" cares about it.
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