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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />Sociology and [b]Wikipedia[/b]
Inside Higher Ed
Erik Olin Wright didn't have time to visit to the library before submitting his paper. But he sensed the author of the book he had been assigned to critique might be going too far when she suggested that George W. Bush administration's response to the ...

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A college professor cited an encyclopedia? No wonder our society is going straight downhill. The article in Wikipedia begins: "The Great Mississippi Flood of 1927 was the most destructive river flood in the history of the United States." It is sourced to a National Geographic article that also says: "...the Corps overestimated its own prowress (sic) and underestimated the power of the river." Prowress, folks.

The Wikipedia article goes on to say: "During an era driven by racism, blacks built levees at gunpoint, starved in refugee camps and many were left to fend for themselves during the flood, while whites were rescued." That's sourced with a link to The New York Times -- a link that leads to a dead webpage.

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