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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />“Define an English person” Google searches return offensive [b]Wikipedia page[/b]
Google search users who type the innocuous phrase “define an English person” into the search bar are presented with an offensive Wikipedia page. A few days ago the page would have appeared in first place but news stories about the page now outrank the ...

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Way to go, Wikipedia. The sum of human knowledge -- even cunts.
Silver seren
Did someone hack Google or what? blink.gif

Or did some user on Wikipedia go around and add a bunch of hyperlinks to the page in relation to that phrase?
QUOTE(Silver seren @ Mon 19th December 2011, 4:08pm) *

Did someone hack Google or what? blink.gif

Or did some user on Wikipedia go around and add a bunch of hyperlinks to the page in relation to that phrase?

I don't know, but I do find it comical that it's been a known problem to Google for over 10 days now, and they still haven't figured out how to "fix" the result.

I also note that on Yahoo and on Bing, the Wikipedia page returned is for "English people".
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