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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />Things I learned through teaching with [b]Wikipedia[/b]
Watching the
by domusaurea One late night in 2006, while I was struggling with my PhD thesis, I went looking for a quick reference for a Latin author in Portuguese Wikipedia, only to find out that there was nothing about him there (it was the Roman historian ...

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The professor says:
All Wikipedia editors are volunteers...

He's not paying very close attention, is he?

...writing for encyclopedias requires strict objectivity, impartiality and anonymity

This guy has really drunk the Flavor Aid, hasn't he?

His most intelligent learning, however:
All students worked in their sandboxes until I graded and revised the content, and the Ambassadors approved the technical Wikipedia format, code and writing. This was crucial in preventing early deletions and distrust from the community, which would certainly discourage the students.

Agreed. The more you can keep intelligent writers away from the Wikipedia community, the better their work will turn out.
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