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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />Who's Donating to [b]Wikipedia? Everybody. Latest Drive Raises $20M from 1M+ Donors[/b]
Singularity Hub
by Aaron Saenz January 10th, 2012 | Comments (0) A huge donor base of more than one million people helped Wikimedia Foundation raise twenty millions dollars in their annual fund drive. Their 20+ million volunteer-created articles attract more than 477 ...

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So, you say that 477 million people visit Wikipedia each month, but that only two-tenths of one percent of them are foolish enough to donate money to the big scam... and that translates in the headline to "everybody" donates to Wikipedia.

If you're going to botch simple fractions that badly, I'm not sure it will do anything to educate you on how the Wikimedia Foundation misuses the money, but heck, it's worth a try. Inform thyself!
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